How We Grew Ream Interiors' Sales By 45% In Q1.

Read on to explore how we took their marketing, enquiry levels and sales to the next level...

A Good Brand & Solid Product Aren't Everything.

If you've been in business for a while, you'll know that it's not all about having a great product. Generating customers is what sorts the wheat from the chaff, and it’s fair to say that Ream Interiors weren’t nailing their customer acquisition before we started working with them.

There was certainly some frustration there as they knew they could sell more if only they had the required influx of high-quality design appointments…

Traffic and Conversion.

We can quite safely say that marketing a KBB business unequivocally comes down to just two things that need to work in perfect harmony, and Ream Interiors are no different.

Those two things are: Traffic and Conversion.

So how does Traffic and Conversion manifest itself in our KBB businesses? Well, when you boil it all down, you can cross out the word traffic and replace it with ‘Multi-channel marketing strategy’, and you can replace conversion with ‘a high-converting website’.

This is essentially what we’ve done for Ream Interiors. We’ve given them a great multi-channel marketing strategy and made changes to their website to make it convert more traffic into enquiries. This has led to an increase in sales of 45%, unique phone calls are up by 74% and web enquiries are up by 158%.

A Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy.

Consumer buying journeys are typically very long and drawn out in this industry, so it’s important to have a marketing strategy that continues to engage and build relationships with your prospects as they go through their four stages of the buying journey, which is exactly what we've done for Ream Interiors.

Their marketing campaign is synchronised over multiple channels such as Facebook Advertising, SEO, Google Ads, Display Advertising, Email Marketing, and Remarketing, which means that Ream Interiors are now in front of their perfect prospects right the way through the lengthy buying process.

Ream Interiors In-frame Kitchen

The Statistics.

The facts and figures behind Ream Interiors' success...

158% increase in web enquiries.

74% increase in unique calls.

45% increase in sales.

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