What We Do

Flo exists to help Independent KBB Retailers grow. To connect you with your ideal prospects and drive qualified enquiries into your business.

Exclusive To The Industry

Flo Marketing is a small, specialised marketing agency based in Solihull. We work exclusively with independent Kitchen, Bedroom and Bathroom retailers to help them increase awareness of their brand in the local area as well as implementing tried and tested marketing campaigns to drive upturns in enquiries.

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Marketing: The Missing Piece of the Jigsaw

Most KBB retailers are very good at designing, selling and installing. Many have inspiring showrooms, efficient systems, a quality team and a good local reputation. However, a rising number of independents fall down when it comes to the minefield of marketing. So how do you grow your enquiry numbers sustainably whilst competing with the industry's ‘big boys’ and their big budgets? The answer to this complex question is closer than you think.

The Perfect Option for your Growth Needs

Cheap, wet-behind-the-ears graduates aren’t the answer to your marketing conundrum. Neither are experienced marketers with large salaries – even a good one won’t possess all the skills to make your marketing effective. A selection of freelancers is a better option, but it still leaves you with management and strategy responsibilities.

Ream Interiors In-frame Kitchen

"UK retailers need a cost-effective, answerable, specialised marketing agency with a track record in the industry to pull their entire strategy together. Welcome to Flo Marketing."

None of the Hassle, All of the Results

Flo’s fully-managed marketing solution delivers all the enquiries you’ll ever need to grow sustainably with none of the hassle of managing a team. We’re experienced in generating results for retailers up and down the country – we know what works and what doesn’t. Leave the strategy, budget management, reporting and activity to us, so that you can sit back and do what you do best.

Why We’re Different

Marketing agencies get a bad name. Too many retailers in the KBB industry have been burned by so-called marketing ‘gurus’ who profess to have all the answers. They’re not familiar with the sales journey, they don’t possess any 'success benchmarks' for this industry, and they don’t have the experience & knowledge to know what works in this industry.

Over the years, Flo has tested hundreds of different campaigns. We have access to data from a large cross-section of our clients and we know what you need to spend on marketing to reach your sales targets. That’s what makes Flo different.

Your Free Marketing Strategy

We’re proud of what we do, and more than happy to put our money (and time) where our mouth is. Click below and fill in the form to request a free marketing plan.