What Are ‘Returning Visitors’ & Why Are They So Important?

What Are ‘Return Users’? And Why Are They So Important? By Flo Marketing

Running a KBB retail business is a bit different to many other sectors and industries. There are no straight forward purchases, and unlike buying a cup of coffee (a purchase that is given little to no thought by the consumer), each and every step of buying a kitchen, bedroom or bathroom is thoroughly thought-through and … Read more

Fact: Returning Visitors Are Key To More Enquiries

Fact: Returning Visitors Are Key To More Enquiries by Flo Marketing

If you’re a regular reader of our emails and blog posts, you’ll know that we champion remarketing. If you’re new to remarketing, it’s essentially the practice of showing adverts to people who have already visited your website. It’s very cheap, and VERY effective. But how effective is remarketing really? It’s a good question. How valuable is … Read more