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Marketing for kitchen businesses

Our KBB Growth magazine is the best way to keep up to date with the latest challenges facing the KBB industry and to find out about market-leading approaches to developing your KBB company. Everything included in KBB Growth is tried and tested, based on first-hand knowledge of the KBB sector and current analysis of the latest methods and techniques for advancing your business.

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The Online KBB Trap: Are you falling for it?

KBB Retailer Trap

As the online world continues to evolve at a staggering rate, there are a number of challenges for the independent KBB retailer. None are more threatening than the website trap that many are falling foul of.

More accurately, it’s the way that people are thinking about their website.

If you’ve ever found yourself wishing your average sale was higher, quality of customer better, or number of sales more numerous then you should watch this video. In it, I’ll spell out where most are going wrong online…



My candid thoughts on Social Media ????

Social media blog image

Everyone bangs on about social media like it is god’s gift to the KBB world.

The team and I here at Flo spend thousands of pounds every month driving enquiries for our clients, and we track that spend down to the last penny.

That means we’re fairly well qualified to give our opinion on using social media to increase your kitchen, bathroom, or bedroom sales. So here it is…

The One Thing Killing Good Showrooms

most kitchen showrooms have an awareness issue

We’re lucky enough to have visited dozens and dozens of great showrooms over the last few years. Our findings are below…

Most showrooms are made up of…

– Great business owners
– Great designers
– Great products
– Great systems & processes
– Great installers
– A great track record
– And, of course, lots of happy customers

So, why then, are many of them struggling to break out of mediocrity? What’s stopping their businesses achieving what they’re evidently capable of?

Mike explores the one thing killing many good showrooms…


The Answer To Marketing Confusion

Marketing Confusion

Today’s video doesn’t beat around the bush.

In it, I’ll tell you what most ‘marketers’ won’t – that most things you hear about marketing your KBB business are actually b*ll*cks.

Have a watch below…

Do Print Ads Work for KBB Retailers?

Do Print Ads Work For KBB Retailers Hero Image

In years gone by, retailers would plough marketing budget into local glossy magazines in the hope of increasing footfall in their showrooms. Some retailers are still doing it today.

The unfortunate truth is that the world has moved on in the last few years, but we speak to so many people who are still spending large sums of money on print advertising, often without any idea if it actually works.

Now, there isn’t a ‘yes or no’ answer to this question – each advert and advertising channel should be judged on the results it generates. However, the most worrying thing is that most KBB retailers who invest in print advertising have no idea if the huge sums of money are justified because of inferior (or non-existent) tracking!

In this video, I’m going to explain a quick method of understanding how effective your different pieces of marketing really are. Enjoy!

How To Know If Your Website Works (Or Not)

How to know if your website works for you

These days every KBB business has a website, but many don’t regard it as their most powerful tool to increase enquiries and sales.

Here’s a fact: In 2024, over 95% of people will visit your website before your showroom.

There are virtually no exceptions to that rule, and it’s the same for each and every retailer in the land.

The primary job of your website is to generate leads. So how do you know if your website is doing its job? Does it convert browsers into enquiries? Is it acting as a complete turn off? Or is it attracting high-quality prospects to the showroom?

In today’s video, I’m going to explain how you can quickly find out if your website works (or not).


Are KBB Retailers Living in the Past?

We see a lot of KBB retailers moaning about the likes of Wren and Magnet who have big budgets and own much of the UK’s market share.

Now, whatever you think about Wren or Magnet, the simple truth is that they operate on the cutting edge of the industry.

Watch the video below as Mike talks you through one of our biggest frustrations with the independent KBB market and how they go about business in a topsy turvy time for the sector.



Why & How: A Guide To Setting Up An Online Design Appointment Solution For KBB Retailers During The Coronavirus Pandemic

After two days of lockdown, many retailers have wrapped up the last tasks on their to-do list and have firmly shut the doors, pondering what the next 3 weeks (and more) will bring. The world has pretty much come to a complete stop overnight. McDonald’s drive-thrus are desolate, rush hour is a thing of the … Read more